Emergency Dentistry

Dental emergencies can happen suddenly or take many months to develop. A broken or knocked-out tooth can occur in an accident, while a severe toothache may be caused by a longstanding cavity that has been left untreated. In either situation, it’s best to call our dental office and come in as quickly as possible.

Have an emergency? Call us!

If you’re unable to reach us right away for any reason, there are a few things you can do on your own to handle an emergency:


Is something stuck between the teeth? Rinse and floss around the hurting tooth, and if this doesn’t help, over-the-counter pain medication or cold compress applied to the face can provide some temporary relief.

Chipped/Broken Tooth

Rinse your mouth with warm water, and try to recover as many large pieces of the tooth as you can, putting them in a safe container. Make sure you bring them to our dental office. If the remaining tooth has a jagged edge, it can be covered with some sugarless gum or dental wax.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Find the tooth, rinse it off WITHOUT touching the root, and make sure it stays wet until we can see you. You can do this by placing it back into its socket, storing it in the cheek, or keeping it in a container with milk or saltwater. It is possible to reattach the tooth, but only within an hour or so of the accident, so be sure to move fast in this situation.

Lost Filling or Crown

Gently clean off the restoration and try to place it back onto the tooth. Avoid chewing with it until we can see you. If it won’t stay in place, a little bit of toothpaste can help but make sure to NOT use any other kind of adhesive.